Andy & Kaye Martin ~ Western Europe
I am writing from a plane as Kaye and I fly from London to Portugal. Life has been a whirlwind this month (and continues through May).
While in Portugal we will visit 11 families living in four different cities. We have the privilege of traveling to where our families live and work. While with them we spend time with each family individually, listening, talking, encouraging, praying with/for, listening, seeing their homes and areas of ministry, advising/counseling, listening, supporting, sharing a meal, loving on children, and listening. It will be a challenging and fulfilling six days.
The Lord has given us a unique opportunity to relate to and speak into our M’s lives. We get to walk through daily life challenges and personal struggles. We help people process through living in a culture/country not their own, language struggles, family/marriage challenges, financial stuff, and conflict resolution. But we also get to bless and encourage our folks as they work hard in building relationships with their people groups and see positive response to those efforts. Europe is not “fertile soil” for the Gospel. The work is hard with not much visible results. That said, our M’s are committed and faithful. They are passionate about making Jesus known in cultures that are not just post-modern, but post-God.
From Portugal we will be back in London for 5 days and then head out again. From now through the first week of June will be in nine different cities (five countries), doing three team trainings, visiting approximately 40 differently families and attending a four day Member Care team meeting. I tell you that not to highlight “traveling through Europe” (we often don’t really “see” the cities we go to), but to give you a little glimpse of what we do. And even more importantly, what Harvest and Lottie Moon helps us do.
Andy & Kaye
By the way…if anyone at Harvest knows of an “extra vehicle” that might be available for use for a those months while we’re back on furlough it would be awesome.