Monday, June 27, 2011

HUMAN TRAFFICKING awareness forum

Two powerful speakers from Portland will join us this evening. Jessica Richardson was once a victim. Now she shares her story of victory as a survivor of intensive trauma and sex trafficking. Dr. Cindi Romine is recognized internationally as one of the leading authorities regarding child sex trafficking, victimization and also provides active solutions in rescuing victims of social justice.
Thursday, July 7 · 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Northwest Christian University Chapel
828 E 11th Ave
Eugene, OR

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Update: Andy & Kaye Martin ~ Western Europe

Here we are, checking in after a long absence. Things remain fairly constant on a day to day basis of what fills our days. We get to encourage and listen and speak into the lives of those that have left America and chosen to live their lives overseas. We spend our time communicating in person – which involves travel; or over email or Skype – which takes place in our home. Our responsibility has grown because the number of those that we work with has grown. Our work reminds us daily that we are dependent on G*d’s wisdom, and that we must die to self and let Chr*st live through us.

We have had an influx of team mates moving to London. Any people group in the world can be found in our city. It is safer, easier and often more effective to find and spend time with those people here in London than in their countries of origin. There is refugee work and English as a second language being offered. There are many investigative discussion groups centered on the B*ble and the claims of Chr*st taking place. We have team mates living in London that are here to serve Latinos, Portuguese, Egyptians, Afghanis, Pakistanis, Somalis, Chinese, Polish, young people, university students and even a few that focus on Brits. The ch*rch that we attend probably has 11 different nationalities represented on any given Sunday. When I get to play the piano I am surrounded by a South African, Puerto Rican, Ghanaian, and several Brits. It is truly is an international city.

News on a personal note includes celebrating our 33
th wedding anniversary with a lovely hike down a portion of the 100 mile Cotswold’s Way, followed up by a birthday overnight get away to Cambridge that included punting down the River Cam. A true blessing has been our oldest daughter Angela and her family’s move to Alconbury, England, a mere 60 miles north of our front door. Her husband Ryan will be stationed as a JAG officer with the Air Force for the next 3 years. We have the amazing joy of getting to see and spend time with Rooke and Gretchen, 2 of our 3 grandchildren, on a regular basis. Aubyn and her husband Scott are expecting their second child at the end of October. They have moved into Vancouver to develop relationships in anticipation of starting a ch*rch in the city. Our son Konnor and his wife Tana have accepted a position as teachers at a university in Zhengzhou, China for a year. They will leave in early August. With their move that means that when we return for our stateside assignment in September, none of our children will be living in America! We see that as a positive, each of them following their dreams and the Lord’s direction in their lives.

Our future plans involve a 4 month stay in Eugene, OR that begins September 16. We will be up and down the I-5 corridor hoping to visit our partner ch*rches, friends and remaining family, including Kaye’s sister’s family and mother living in Redmond, OR. It will be good to reconnect. We look forward to sharing about our ministry and time in Europe. There is great need but great things are happening.

In His Strength,

Andy and Kaye